
February 19, 2009

Workout of the Day

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:


5 Deadlift @ 225lbs/150lbs

1 Rope Acent, 15 ft (or 10 rope pullups)

15 Knees to elbows


Post number of rounds completed to comments


SCCF Paleo Challenge!
It’s not to late to start the paleo challenge.  It ends April 1st.  The 2 crossfitters that show the most improvement will win 3 months free membership, a free shirt, and their very own parking spot!  Everyone is a winner though, because everyone’s performance and body composition will change dramatically.  So if you’re still thinking about it, just do it.  Nutrition is the foundation for development as an athlete, so break your bad habits and start eating healthy.

dsc03916beforeJerrad had to have 1 more drink before he started the paleo challenge.  I’m sure his after photo in a month will be much imroved.


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