
WOD – July 23, 2015

Thanks to everyone that came out to do the new David V hero workout!  We had a great turnout for a great american hero that we will never forget!

The following classes are cancelled on Friday:  5am, 6am, and 330pm.  We will also be closed this sunday.

Work Out of the Day


“Buddy Flipper”

In teams of 2 for time:

200m relay run x 4 (800m)

20 heavy partner tire flips

40 ball slams

60 box jump overs, 20″

80 wallballs

60 box jump overs, 20″

40 ball slams

20 heavy partner tire flips

200m relay run x 4 (800m)

Post time to beyond the whiteboard.  One athlete runs 200m, while the other rest until 800m total is completed.  Both athletes flip the tires together.  All other movements may be split between the 2 athletes.  One athlete works at a time on run, ball slams, box jumps, and wallballs.


Same as above


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