The 2017 Police and Fire Games SinCity Fit Challenge have come and gone! It was such an exciting event and we hope all the competitors, spectators, vendors, and voulunteers had a great time! We had over 100 athletes complete 6 scored events all in under 8 hours! I think the event gets better each year because of our awesome community. And the level of competiton goes up every year as well. The overall mens winner, Ryon Anderson; all around badass and super nice guy, told me that his first exposure to CrossFit was at our box at the 2012 Police and Fire Games. He was in town from Virginia to compete at the Police and Fire Games boxing tournament. He won gold and came down to our box to watch his friend compete at CrossFit. He said he was so impressed by the events, the athletes, and the community that he wanted to start crossfitting right away. That year the clean n jerk ladder ended with a 255lb bar, and this year the snatch ladder ended with a 275lb bar! Now he is 35 and he was the fittest man in NV this past weekend. This kind of story is so awesome to me and is why I love putting on great competitions and competing myself so much. All you athletes that competed should be proud of yourselves because you have helped inspire and motivate someone watching to start crossfitting, or competing, or to just become the fittest version of themselves.
I have so many people to thank that made this event possible:
-my wife Sheena for putting together the goody bags and running the front desk all while taking care of baby Lincoln
-Krista for promoting the event on social media and getting all the judges together
-Bobbie for helping me do all the behind the scenes stuff and doing a great job managing the athletes and judges
-Lance and his crew for making sure all the equipment was there for every heat on time
-Jarett for keeping a watchful eye on all the reps with me as head judge (and I know he will be back on the podium next year)
-Veronica for being so quick and accurate with the scoring and Bjorn for developing the leaderboard
-thanks to Candace for videoing every single event, in a hot ass box, while pregnant, and streaming them live on fb
-Ray for taking sweet pics all day long so the athletes can have some memories to share with friends (all pics coming soon)
-Rand for getting all the police officers and fireman to come down and for holding it down on the mic
-DJ Andy Gil for making sure the box was bumpin all day long,
-Zert for donating the vests, Condor Outdoor, SFH, and Live sore for all the awesome prizes that were donated
-LJ for helping move bleachers and equipment
-Thanks to TJ at South SinCity CrossFit Mike Springer at CF Henderson for letting us borrow equipment so that we could run big heats.
Most importantly thank you so much to all the volunteers. Thanks to Jolain, Nikki, Rhonda and others who helped with all kinds of stuff from cleaning to scoring to helping at front desk. And last but not least, thanks to our badass team of judges that were out there counting reps and no repping all day long. Amy G, Dorottya, Wendy, Christina A, Lisa F, Dani, Jen P, Samantha, Jessica C, Lynette, Meagan A, Jeseca R, Jen G, Kansas, Yasmin, Tommy, Thomas, Eric K, Cody, Justin S, Ross S, Ken, Tim W, Travis G, Dan G, Tim H, Scott O, Bryan A, Renee, and Will, we could not have done this event without you all. Judging is not easy, especially with so many different movments and different kinds of workouts, but you all did a great job. I hope you all had fun and would like to judge again in the future, and I know some of you were motivated to step up and compete next time!
Here is a recap of all the winners in each division – (all the leaderboards can be seen on our mainpage at
Scaled – I am really proud of Maryann, PJ, Shanna, Charlene, Cici, Kaylee, Julie, and Michelle for competing, some of them for their first time, and giving their best. Maryann Prd her 800m run with a vest, PJ got her first handstand pushups, and Cici Prd her snatch at 105lbs! Julie made it to the final workout and Michelle finsihed 5th place overall. It’s great to have so many competitive ladies at our box! The scaled division was a lot of fun to watch. Jessica Fraser (SCCF) was 2nd in the hspu workout and 3rd in the vest workouts and finished 3rd place overall! Heather Presgrove (SCCF) just missed 1st place by 1 point! She won 3 events including the deadlift workout and completed the final wod in just 2 minutes and 7 seconds! And the overall winner in the scaled division was Kara Andrade (CF Double Down) she had the fastest 800m run and the most reps on the sandbag wod. On the men’s side Blake Orenshaw, Jon Perry, Mike Sim, Daniel Mona, Eric Anderson, Danny Bell, and Kyle Carter worked hard on every event. Sim won event 3 and was the only scaled guy to snatch the all 10 bars. Kyle made it to the final workout and he came in 3rd on the snatch ladder. Winning the vest workout and the handstand pushups and placing 3rd overall was Bret Fraser (SCCF)! And Dean Renholm (SCCF) was consistent on every workout and it got him to the podium in 2nd place. And the winner of the scaled division once again is Kris Rosana (CF Double Down).
Masters – Anna Smith placed 4th place overall and finished out the day strong with a 2nd place in the final wod! 3rd place goes to Kelly Reid (SCCF) who was super consistent all day long and had two 2nd place finsihes. In 2nd place was Rosa King (Henderson PD) who won the sandbag wod and had the fastest run. But Kim Springer (CF Henderson) was just too good. She won 4 workout and never finished lower than 3rd in any event! Jeff and Brent both did great placing 10th and 12th in the mens division. Shout out to Bruce Stacy (SCCF) for placing top 5 in every event and finishing 3rd overall! Moacir (Brazilian Federal PD) was 2nd place and he came all the way form Brazil to compete. Finally, John Schleifer (Outcast CF) won 1st place, and was one of the only athletes all day to finsih event 1, and the final wod only took him 91 seconds!
RXd – Props to Frankie Gomez, Chris Ackley, and Matt Padilla for stepping up and taking on the challenge of the Rx division. Chris and Matt were battling eachother all day and Matt just edged him out ny 2 points to get 9th place overall. Tony had 3 top 5 finishes and got 8th overall in his first individual CrossFit comp. Derrick also had a good day with a 2nd place on the hspu wod and 3rd place on the run, finshing 4th overall. 3rd place goes to Justin Field (Las Vegas Fire) with his best placing on the final wod in 3min flat. Marcos Rivera (CF Max Effort) had three 1st place finishes, which would have been enough to win most comps, but it landed him in the number 2 spot. Our overall fittest male came all the way from West Virgina and he won the vest workout and the deadlit workout, and he was top 5 in every event. Congratualtions to Ryon Anderson (W Virginia St Trooper), the fittest police officer and overall winnner this year.
The ladies Rx division was a close battle all day long. I want to give a shout out to Reahana Senk for finishing 4th place overall and just missing the podium. She got stronger physically and mentally as the day went on, and she finished top 5 in the last 3 workouts with a win in the hspu event. Our 3rd place lady was very consistent and was 4th in the snatch event, even though she was the smallest athlete. She also won the 1st event and the last event. Great job Nikole Shrigley (CF Max Effort). The battle for 1st place was super close all day long. Brittany Hogeman (SCCF) beat Sarah Viets (SCCF) on the run by 1 second, and then Sarah won event 2 and they were tied up. Then Sarah won the deadlift wod and was the only woman to snatch all 10 bars on the snatch ladder, and Brittany was right behind in 2nd place on both. Brittany then took event 5 by 2 spots over Sarah, which means they were tied for 1st going into the final event. The lead kept switching back and forth on that workout all the way through the muscle ups and at the end it was 1 muscle up that seperated the two and it was Sarah coming squeaking out the victory. They are both fierce competitors and it’s going to be fun to see them battle all year long heading into next years open and regionals. They showed great sportsmanship and are great examples for our members to look up to. Great job ladies!
I would like to thank all of our sponsors once again: Aaron Mauldin at Zert, Condor Outdoor, Live Sore, Jessica at Freeman Carpet Service, Drip Drs, Fitaid, Stronger Faster Healthier, Lyft Rx, Star Nursery, and Sting Alarm.
Lastly, I hope everyone had a great time whether you competed, volunteered, or came to watch and cheer on your friends. Please give us any feedback whether it is postive or negative. We want to make our events bigger and better every year. We love bringing together the Vegas CrossFit community, improving the level of fitness, and forging freindships that will last forever.