
April 28th, 2011

The CrossFit Sports Sports Series MotoX is this Saturday!

*Note: there will be no 10:00am or 2:00pm class, and the CrossFit Sectional 11.6 will be offered as follows:

Friday night from 6:00pm-8:00pm @ SCCF

Saturday from 12:00pm-1:00pm @ CFLV

 Sunday from 10:00am-12:00pm @ SCCF

Click here to register. 

Make sure you specify which time you would like to attend*

It’s not too late if you haven’t been measured for the Zone-Paleo Challenge. Get it done this week before your workout this week

Whether you ride, CrossFit, or are new to both, the Sports Series MotoX will be a great event! There are a variety of different ways of being involved in this event, hit the link on the right for more info. Aside from food, drink, and an afterparty at Mandalay Bay, the founder of CrossFit – Coach Glassman – will be there.


Don’t forget to register and tell your friends about the

Fitness for a Cause Fundraiser WOD on May 21st!

Workout of the Day5 Rounds for time:30 Double-unders7 Clean and Jerk (135/83)30′ Handstand walk


ash1 bobbie sean stephtimes1


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