
April 30th, 2011

The CrossFit Sports Sports Series MotoX is this Today from 9:00am-4:00pm!

Whether you ride, CrossFit, or are new to both, the Sports Series MotoX will be a great event! There are a variety of different ways of being involved in this event, hit the link on the right for more info. Aside from food, drink, and an afterparty at Mandalay Bay, the founder of CrossFit – Coach Glassman – will be there.

*Note: The only class offered at SCCF today is the 5:00pm

 the CrossFit Sectional 11.6 will be offered at 12:00pm-1:00pm @ CFLV, and

Sunday from 10:00am-12:00pm @ SCCF

Click here to register.

Make sure you specify which time you would like to attend*

 Don’t forget to register and tell your friends about the

Fitness for a Cause Fundraiser WOD on May 21st!


This is what the CrossFit community is all about.  Kirk’s determination is nothing short of inspiring.  Next time you think you have an excuse or an obstacle… think twice and push harder than you think you are capable of.


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