This weeks athlete has lost over 100lbs since joining SinCity CrossFit! He always brings so much energy to every workout. We love having this guys around the gym and are excited to see keep achieving his goals!
Name: Michael SimAge: 25Occupation: Security officerSingle/married/family? singleFavorite activity outside of CrossFit? Hiking or going to a rock climbing gymFavorite workout music? Heavy metal or EDMDo you follow paleo or zone diet? No I stick to a low carb diet high protein.Do you you, or did you play any sports? Played football years ago just before middle school but nothing since.How long have you been crossfitting? 4 years!!!!!How many times a week do you crossfit? Started going 3 time but within the last 8 months I’ve been going 5 days a week.What is your favorite cheat meal? Bacon cheeseburger with mushroomWhy did you start training at SCCF? Around the time I started doing crossfit, some family health issues were brought to my attention and I wanted to do something to fight against it.Favorite movement? Squats and cleansLeast favorite movement? BURPEES!!!!!!!!Why do you go to SCCF? The trainers and the community.Who is your favorite trainer? That’s hard to say. Each one has taught me something different. If I had to choose it would be Suzie and Billy. They both always push me to keep go past my limits.What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I have never had any kind of work out plan before crossfit.How has crossfit improved your life? It has givien me confidence to pursue the things I want.What or who inspires you the most? My family and how I feel after finishing a hard workout.Biggest achievement since you started/ what you are most proud of? I’m proud that I’ve been doing crossfit for 4 years and got my first handstand pushup. I never thought I would be able to do that. Since I started I’ve lost 100 lbs. Went down from a XXXXL shirt down to a XL and went from 48 pant down to a 40 pant!What are your fitness goals for this year? Back squat 405lb, squat snatch 215lb, and a muscle up.