
December 23, 2010

We all had a great time with the Crazy Christmas Sweater WOD yesterday!  Make sure and vote on who had the funniest sweater by clicking on the comment link below.  The winner, voted by you guys, will get a SinCity CrossFit hoodie! 
Tomorrow there will only be morning classes:  10am, 11am, and 12pm 

Work Out of the Day

Lumberjack 20

For time:20 Deadlifts (275/183lbs)
400m Run
20 KB swings (70/53)
400m Run
20 Overhead Squats (115/73lbs)
400m Run
20 Burpees
400m Run
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
400m Run
20 Box jumps (24″)
400m Run
20 DB Squat Cleans (45/30lbs)
400m Run



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