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Below is the timeline and heat lists –
All workouts and workout details will be posted here as they are announced!
The Valentine’s Day Massacre is back for the 5th year, and this will be the best one yet! This is the Team comp that everyone looks forward to each year in Vegas . It’s time to ask that special someone at your box if they want to throw down with you.
-This year we have moved the event to a bigger and better venue, The Slam Academy of Nevada!
-Once again there will be a scaled division this year. We will have 50 spots available for Rx Teams and 50 for Scaled Teams. See below for division weights and movement requirements.
-The cost is $139 per team
-There will be at least 4 workouts for all teams this year!
-Each team member will get a shirt, goody bag, a coffee mug, and priceless V Day workout pics
**Partial refunds will be allowed if requested at least 10 days before the event (minus t-shirt expense and processing fee, $50) and partner substitutions have to be made at least 10 days before the event as well.
Anyone signing up after January, 10, 2018 will not receive a t-shirt because the order has already been placed. **
***YOU WILL RECIEVE A RECIEPT BY EMAIL AFTER YOUR PURCHASE. PLEASE RESPOND TO THE EMAIL ASAP with Athlete Names, Team Name, Shirt Size, and Gym. Also please have your partners create a profile on this site and fill out the waiver***
Movement Standards List:
Rxd Men/Women – (At least one of the teammates should be able to perform the following in a workout)
Front squat – 185/125lbs
Overhead squat– 135/95lbs
Deadlift – 225/155lbs
Power Snatch – 135/95
Clean and Jerk – 185/125lbs
Sumo deadlift high pull – 115/75lbs
Sandbag Clean – 150/100lbs
Kb snatch – 53/35lbs
Kb swing – 70/53lbs
Chest to bar pull-ups
ring dip
Ring or bar muscle ups
Toes to bar
Rope climbs
Box jumps, 30/24”
Handstand pushups
double unders
Scaled Men/Women – (At least one of the teammates should be able to perform the following in a workout)
Front squat – 115/75lbs
Overhead squat – 95/65lbs
Deadlift – 185/125lbs
Power Snatch – 95/65
Clean and Jerk – 135/95lbs
Sumo deadlift high pull – 75/55lbs
Kb snatch – 35/25lbs
Kb swing – 53/35lbs
hanging leg raise
Box jumps or step ups, 24/20”
wall climbs
single jump ropes