Note the following schedule changes:Friday July 16th the only classes offered are – 6am, 10am, 12pm, 6pmSaturday July 17th classes will run as usual (10am, 2pm, 5pm)Workout of the Day30 Power Snatch (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m30 Overhead Squat (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m30 Push-Press (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m20 Power Snatch (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m20 Overhead Squat (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m20 Push-Press (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m10 Power Snatch (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m10 Overhead Squat (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m10 Push-Press (75/53lbs)Sprint 200m
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