
July 29th,2011

 The Nevada Police & Fire Games are only 2 weeks away! This will be the first year that CrossFit will be an official sport at their event! We will be hosting the CrossFit competition on Aug 5th to crown the fittest police/fire man and woman in Nevada!!! We will also have the competition open for all crossfitters to compete alongside the police officers and firemen. And this year we will be able to compete in their annual powerlifting competion at The Orlean Hotel on the following day as well! Click on the event links on the right column to register or get more info. Work Out of the DayMax Effort 2k RowRest 5 minutesthen-Double -under for 2 minutesSit-up for 2 minutesDouble -under for 90 secondsSit-up for 90 secondsDouble -under for 60 secondsSit-up for 60 secondsDouble -under for 30 secondsSit-up for 30 secondsPost time and reps to


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