
November 8, 2009

Rest Day We will be moving all day today.  If anyone wants to help out let us know.  Monday we will be in our new location on commercial way.  All of our workout times will remain the same. It’s great to move into a bigger box, but it’s also kind of sad in a way.  We were only there less than a year, but it really felt like home.  It’s ok though, because all of our athletes are the foundation of SinCity CrossFit.  Our gym is a great community that could survive even if we had to train in the desert.  Many of you are new members, while some of you have been with us from the beginning.  What are your memories from our old box?  What was your favorite moment?  What was the workout that you hated the most?  What will you remember most about working out there?  Post a response by clicking on comments below.  Do it.



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