This year CrossFit is a new sport added to the Nevada Police and Fire Games! CrossFit is the sport of fitness and the most functional way to train for the unknown. It is the most applicable way of training for the demands that police and firefighters face everyday. This competition is for all policeman, firefighters, and civilians. There will be 2 age divisions: 40 years +, and the open division. The police and fire division is also seperate from the civilians. There will be a prize for the top male and femal competitors in each division!  The winners will have the title of the fittest Policeman/Fireman in Nevada!Â
The Workout: “RoboCop”                               As many rounds as possible in 15min of:                               10 ground to overhead, 95/63lbs                                10 bar facing burpees                              150m runMen will wear a 20lb vest and women a 10lb vest. The masters competitors weight will be 75lbs for men and 53lbs for women. Ground to overhead means lifting the barbell from the ground to an overhead position with elbows knees and hips locked out. Clean and Jerk, press, push press, or snatch may be used. The burpee will be getting down to where the chest touches the ground and then jumping over the barbell with 2 feet leaving the ground together and landing together. Each athlete competing will have a judge counting every rep.Â
Where: SinCity CrossFit                 930 wigwam pkwy                 Henderson, NV 89014Cost: Civilians: $10Police and Fireman: $5Click here to register if you are a policeman or fireman.Click here to register if you are not a policeman or fireman.