We had a great turn out for our first Friday Night Open Throwdown at SCCF! As promised the top performers for both male and female, rx and scaled divisions will recieve prizes! Coach Alex was the top Rx guy with 240 reps and Coach Suzie was the top lady with 223 reps! The top scaled lady was Rhonda with 246 reps! Unfortunately we had no scaled men sign up for the open and come down to compete on Friday. So the 4th winner this week will be someone who got their first chest to bar pullup that night. And after that Terra continued to do 48 more in the wod and finish with a score of 157 reps! Congratulations to all of our winners! You all will receive a box of Resqwater and 3 Paleo Nick Ice Age Meals!!!
Work Out of the Day
“Leap Snatch”
For time:
80/64 calorie row – buy in
5 rounds of –
4 snatch, 145/100lb
16 box jumps, 24/20″
Post time to beyond the whiteboard.