The Diaper/Baby Wipe WOD is Today at noon! Bring a pack of diapers or baby wipes and join us for a fun baby wod! Feel free to come dressed as a baby or pregnant woman! There will be paleo snacks and goodies after the wod!
There will be the normal make up wods at 10am and 4pm today
Work Out of the Day“Baby WOD”
In teams of 2 for time: 200m run w 20/14lb medball 60 double unders w balloon 20 pushups w 30/20lb slamball 50 kb swings w balloon 30 box jumps w 20/14lbs medball, 24/20″ 10 pullups w 30/20lb slamball 40 down ups w balloon 1k row w 30/20lb slamball 40 down ups w balloon 10 pullups w 30/20lb slamball 30 box jumps w 20/14lbs medball, 24/20″ 50 kb swings w balloon 20 pushups w 30/20lb slamball 60 double unders w balloon 200m run w 20/14lb medball While one partner works through the reps the other partner must hold a medicine ball at stomach level. Partners may switch as needed. Runs must be completed together. Box jumps are done with ball on stomach. Pushups are completed with ball on lower back. Pullups and row are completed with ball between legs. Balloon is placed under shirt for kb swings, double unders, toes to bar, and down ups. Every time the team drops the medball or pops a balloon, it racks up 10 wallballs at the end of the wod.[nggallery id=42].