*Open Gym today is 8am to 11am!*
**Yoga and Gymnastics class are cancelled**
***Goodluck to Lori, Oluchi, Jay, Brian, Thomas, Ken, Sarah, and Jake! They are cimpeting at the Barbell Beatdown today at This Is CrossFit! Come down and show your support SCCF!***
Work Out of the Day
Make up a workout you missed this week
“21-15-9 COMPLEX”
For time:
8 deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.)
7 cleans (155 / 115 lb.)
6 snatches (155 / 115 lb.)
8 pull-ups
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 bar muscle-ups
6 deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.)
5 cleans (155 / 115 lb.)
4 snatches (155 / 115 lb.)
6 pull-ups
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 bar muscle-ups
4 deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.)
3 cleans (155 / 115 lb.)
2 snatches (155 / 115 lb.)
4 pull-ups
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 bar muscle-ups
Post time to beyond the whiteboard.