What a great time we had hosting the lifting expo this weekend! Thanks to Jon North, Pat Mendes, and Charlie Zamora for putting on a show. What an awesome display of strength, speed, and technique. Thanks to John Broz for coming down and Rick Buro for making this event happen. It was so exciting to watch, and it was just a preview of what’s going down here in January at The Grand Open! Go to http://www.americanweightliftingfederation.org/ to register asap!
Work Out of the Day4 rounds for time of: 20 burpees20 sumo deadlift high pulls, 75/55lbs20 jumping lunges20 push press, 75/55lbs200m runPost time to beyond the whiteboard.BasicsTabata down ups1 minute restTabata kb swings, 53/35lbs1 minute restTabata pushups1 minute restTabata situpsPost reps to beyond the whiteboard.