
WOD – October 14, 2014

So many PRs last week!  Congrats to George, Fred, and Sam (pictured below) on getting that first muscle up!

Gymnastics class is tonight at 730pm and tomorrow at 630pm!

Work Out of the Day10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:*200m runpower clean, 185/125lbsburpee box jumps, 30/24″Post time to beyond the whiteboard.  *Each round starts with a 200m run. Sam muscle upmonday basicsmonday wod scoresBasics10 rounds for max reps in 2 minutes of:100m runmax rep *burpees/wallballs, 20/14lbs1 minute rest*burpees on odd rounds and wallballs on even roundsPost total reps for burpees and wallballs to beyond the whiteboard.  


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