
WOD – October 4, 2017

Work Out of the Day



For time, wearing a 20/14-lb. vest:  (This wod may be done in teams of 2)
25 thrusters, 115/75 lb.
50 box jumps, 24/20 in.
75 deadlifts, 115/75 lb.
1.5-mile run
75 deadlifts, 115/75 lb.
50 box jumps, 24/20 in.
25 thrusters, 115/75 lb.

Post time to beyond the whiteboard.

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Andrew T. Weathers, 30, of DeRidder, Louisiana, died Sept. 30, 2014, at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

Weathers was wounded Sept. 28 in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, when he heroically ran to a rooftop through hundreds of incoming rounds to repel an attack of insurgents who were attempting to overrun his position. His actions saved the lives of five U.S. Green Berets and nine Afghan Commandos at his location. Weathers was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group, at Eglin Air Force Base in


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