*Goodluck to Cici, Kylee, Dean, Travis, Chris A, Chris F, Sarah, and Derrick! They are all competing this weekend in Scottsdale, AZ at the Legion of Beasts Games!*
Work Out of the Day
For time:
5 sandbag cleans, 150/100lb
75 push press, 75/55lb
5 sandbag cleans, 150/100lb
25 ring dips
5 sandbag cleans, 150/100lb
50 toes to bar
5 sandbag cleans, 150/100lb
25 overhead squats, 75/55lb
5 sandbag cleans, 150/100lb
75 air squats
5 sandbag cleans, 150/100lb
Post time to beyond the whiteboard.