
WOD – September 21, 2015

We had a lot of fun at the Rhino CrossFit Championships this weekend at the Olympia Exp0 this weekend!  Sarah dominated the competitions winning 3 of the 9 events.  She got 2nd place on the box jump with a 44.25″ jump!  She won the heavy wallball fran with a time of 2:30!  Her 500m row time of 1:35.09 got her another 1st on event 7.  She got 2nd place with 60 shoulder to overhead(65lbs) in 90 seconds on event 8.  And she won the max muscle up event knocking out 7 muscle ups in a row for a PR!  She took home $1300 for all that work!

Ray G came in and completed all 9 workouts within an hour to win the Men’s Masters division!  He beasted through the 300lb farmers carry, moving the tire 250ft before dropping it!  He also hit a 42″ box jump and got a muscle up!

Jake P had froning-like consistency the whole competition.  He didn’t win any one workout, but he was able to win 2nd place overall!  Jake had an amazing 53.5″ box jump, and a 225ft farmers carry!  He also showed his explosiveness with an 8:055 second shuttle run, narrowly missing 1st place by two hundredths of a second.  Jake also came in 2nd on the shoulder to overhead (95lbs) with 62 reps in 90 seconds!

Billy had some ups and downs, but still managed to take home 3rd place overall.  He got 17 muscle ups in a row for a 2nd place on event 9.  He also won the heavy wallball fran with a time of 1:49.  And he pulled out a win on the shoulder to overhead event with 66 reps in 90 seconds.  It was an awesome event and we can’t wait to do it again next year!

Work Out of the Day


7 Sets of 1 Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats


3 rounds for max reps in 3 minutes of:

250/200m row (buy in)

3 power snatch, 135/95lbs

6 bar facing burpees

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Post loads and times to beyond the whiteboard.





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