
WOD – October 15, 2016

Goodluck to Dean, Amy, and Michelle who are all competing tomorrow at the Festivus Games!  Head down to CrossFit Modulus to cheer them on in this 2 person team CrossFit comopetiton!

Work Out of the Day

Make Up a Workout You Missed This Week


Saturday Comp Training –

1a) 5 x 1 – 3 position snatch (ground, knee, high hang)

1b) 5 x 1 Pegboard (up and down 10 pegs)
*add weight if too easy
**scale to less pegs or chin over peg holds

2) For time: (relay style)
75ft hs walk
1 pegboard
*first athletes hs walks. then 2nd athlete can begin right after but cannot pass him. Same with 3rd athlete etc…

3) In teams of 3 for time:
50 bar muscle ups
100 handstand pushups
150 pistols
(10min time cap)
*partition any way in any order
**teams of 2 would do 33, 50, 100

4) In teams of 3, as many rounds as possible in 20min of:
15 Overhead squat, 155/105lb
15 Balls to bar, 8/6lb (ball between feet)
15 Bench Press, 155/105lb
15 D Ball shoulder, 150/90lb
*100m sled push, 180/125lb
**1 athlete works, the other rests, and the other pushes sled down and back


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