
Athlete of the Week

Athlete of the Week
Name: Kelly Reid
Age: 37
Occupation: ASICS Sales Rep- is my account.
Single/married/family? Married with 2.5 year old twins- Bennett and Agnes. (My husband and I met at a beer pong tournament!)
Favorite activity outside of CrossFit? I started running marathons 10 years ago and still do.
favorite workout music? Anything other than what Max plays.
Favorite place to eat? Firefly
How long have you been crossfitting? Just over a year.
Which SinCity location do you workout at, and how did you get started there? Started MetCon at SCCF Main in January 2012. Then moved over to South when they opened in August 2012. Started WOD’s at South in December 2012.
Favorite workout? Small
Why do you go to SCCF? The trainers and the people and Courtney LaVoooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee!
What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I ran a marathon (26.2 miles) and a half marathon (13.1 miles) on the same day in 2 different states. I flew to Sacramento at night and ran the Sacramento marathon in the morning, changed into clean running clothes, hopped on a plane and went straight to the start line of the Vegas half marathon that night and ran the whole way!
How has crossfit improved your life? I am physically and mentally stronger than I ever have been because of crossfit. 
What or who inspires you the most? My sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer – watching her embrace the process in order to survive is absolutely inspiring!
Biggest achievement since you started/ what you are most proud of? The day I got 1 Clean and Jerk at 95 lbs. to get a score for 13.4. I almost cried that day I was so happy. 
What are your fitness goals for this year? Get stronger, run faster, eat healthier, and enjoy every moment of getting there.
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