
December 11, 2009

***Bring a toy tomorrow for the toys for tots WOD.  The Marines and Kaizen CrossFit will be coming out to workout with us!  It will be a team workout.  Feel free to invite any spectators or anyone that wants to try CrossFit for the first time.  You must have a toy to workout.***

Work Out of the Dayhero-shane1Shane Patton, of Boulder city, Nv, was a 22 year old Navy SEAL who was killed on June 28, 2005 during a rescue mission in Afghanistan. 4 SEALs were on a surveilance mission named Operation Redwing when they were discovered and surrounded by Taliban forces. Shane, along with 7 other SEALs and 8 Army Nightstalkers were aboard a MH-47 helicopter that was shot down by a RPG killing all aboard. Only 1 of the 4 SEALs involved in Operation Redwing survived.
“Shane”For time:                                            25 deadlifts                       WT = Men – 155lb, Women – 103lb400m run10 strict pullups10 clean n jerk800m run10 strict pullups10 clean n jerk10 strict pullups800m run10 clean n jerk10 strict pullups400m run25 deadlifts


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