
Friendsgiving Throwdown

First announced event for the Friendsgiving Throwdown!

A 12 Minute AMRAP with a Buy in.
Partners will run together. Rx athlete will Carry a 20/14 medball and Scaled will carry 14/10lbs.

Once back from the run, they will complete the following for the remaining time:

5 C2B Pull-ups or Pull-ups
10 Single Arm DB Shoulder to overhead 50/35, 35/20
15 synchro air squats to the medball



Athletes can share the pullups and shoulder to overhead however they’d like. There is no minimum work requirement. So if the rx athlete can do chest to bar, but scaled cannot do pullups, the rx athlete will have to complete all the c2b reps. Note that you cannot switch who is scaled and who is rx mid workout. So the male rx athlete must use the 20lb medball, do C2B and use the 50lb DB the entire workout. Score is reps completed when time ends.


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