It’s that time of the month again! ”Puke with a Pal” starts  this week on Mon, Tues, and Wed any newbie can come workout at any time for free! Bring your best friend, bring your worst enemy, bring your neighbor, or bring your grandma! Anyone and everyone is welcome to hit up the WODS! Share a special moment by being responsible for someone’s very first crossfit experience. Just make sure you are willing to hold the bucket for them and drive them home…
 Check out the SCCF Recipe Blog by clicking on the link to the left. Sheena will be posting paleo and zone recipes there from time to time. If you have any questions about cooking or eating healthy, leave a comment on there and we will get you some answers. If you have your own recipes or tips, feel free to post them as well. We want this to be a tool for veterans and new crossfitters to optimize their diet and improve their fitness.
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The Nevada Police & Fire Games are only 2 weeks away! This will be the first year that CrossFit will be an official sport at their event! We will be hosting the CrossFit competition on Aug 5th to crown the fittest police/fire man and woman in Nevada!!! We will also have the competition open for all crossfitters to compete alongside the police officers and firemen. And this year we will be able to compete in their annual powerlifting competion at The Orlean Hotel on the following day as well! Click on the event links on the right column to register or get more info.
Work Out of the DayFour rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
75 Â pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 Pull-ups
75 Â pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Pull-upsPost time to