Once again, we had so many amazing results in this year’s Fall Fit Challenge! It was only 5 weeks this time, and during Halloween, so it just makes these results even more impressive! First I would like to give some shout outs to some of our members who didn’t win, but still had great results.
First off, here is an update on our spring fit challenge winner – When Bryan Adams won in April he weighed 200lb, 41inch waist, 24%bf. He didn’t improve the most in the last 5 weeks but he has been improving all year and we are super proud of his progress. He is now at 180lbs, 38inches, and 17%bf! This right here is the whole reason why we do these challenges, so that ya’ll can develop healthy long-term eating habits.
-Also, Coach Alex started the challenge 2 weeks late, but he was able to lose 11lbs and 7% body fat!
-Amy K did great this time as well, losing 7lbs, 2%bf, and 3 inches off her waist!
-Anna lost 8lbs, 1 inch, and 4%bf!
-Erika lost 8lbs as well and 2.5 inches off her waist!
-Samantha lost 8lbs, 1.5 inches, and 3%bf and had massive improvements on her wods!
-Brooke lost 4lbs, 2.5 inches, 3%bf, and gained 3lbs of muscle!
-Kaylee lost 8lbs and 2.5 inches off her waist!
-Haley lost 4lbs, 2 inches, and 3% body fat!
These next few people did great, but did not complete enough workouts to win the challenge.
-Chris J lost an incredible 16lbs, 2.5 inches, and 5% body fat.
-Rena lost 8lbs, 1 inch, 5%bf, and gained 2lbs of muscle!
-Melissa lost 8lbs, 1 inch, 4.5%bf, and gained 2.8lbs of muscle!
-Tommy lost 13lbs, 2 inches, and 4% body fat, all while recovering from shoulder surgery and working out with 1 arm!
And here are those that were super close to winning –
-Travis G lost 4lbs, 1 inch, and 3% bf. He also gained 2lbs of muscle and improved his fran time to 3:30 and his Elizabeth time under 8 minutes!
-Rhonda lost 3% body fat and gained 5lbs of muscle! She was a PR machine, improving her 3rm front squat, snatch, and clean n jerk and she got faster and more reps on 7 out of the 9 workouts!
-Our 3rd place male lost 7lbs, 3inches, 4%bf, and gained 4lbs of muscle! He also improved on every single workout he did! Great job Travis W!
-The ladies were so close because they all killed it! Our 3rd place lady lost 5lbs, 1.25 inches, 5.4%bf, and gained 2.8lbs of muscle! Her 3rm front squat went up 10lbs as well as her snatch. She also improved on every workout, and has really stepped it up competing in many local competitions. Our 3rd place lady is Michelle!
-The 2nd place guy was not overweight at all which makes his results even more impressive. He lost 1lb, went from 8%bf down to 6%, and his muscle mass went up from 191.3 to 194.7! He gained 10lbs on his 3rm fs, 15lbs on his snatch, and 22lbs on his clean n jerk. He also knocked 30 seconds of his Fran and a minute off his Elizabeth. This shows that if you eat right, you can gain muscle and improve your cardio and strength with CrossFit. 2nd place goes to Sean Turner.
-The 2nd place lady lost 7.8lbs, 2.5 inches off her waist, lost 5.1%bf, and gained 1lb of muscle. She got stronger on all the lifts and she improved her cardio by 2:24 on the long chipper workout. Her Fran went from 6:45 to 5:14, and she improved her max rep handstand pushups from 30 to 53 reps! Our #2 for the ladies is Cici!
-The top guy did great at the spring fit challenge and he maintained his body comp to begin this challenge. He lost 5.3lbs, 4% body fat, and gained 3.3lbs of muscle mass! His clean and jerk went up 10lbs and his 3rm front squat went up 20lbs! He improved his Fran time by 1:42 and he got 4 minutes faster on the long chipper workout! His cardio has gone through the roof and he has just signed up for his first CrosssFit competition. The winner is Erik Kessler!
-And our winning lady was just as impressive. She said she really liked the Foodie Fit Meals and they were a big part in her doing so well. She lost 9lbs, 1.5 inches, gained 2.5lbs of muscle, and lost an amazing 6.7% body fat in just 5 weeks! She also improved on every workout and says she is in the best shape of her life at 53! The Fall Fit Challenge winner is Gigi Burns!
Work Out of the Day
Back Squat 10-10-10
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute burpees
1 minute row for calories
1 minute thrusters, 95/65lb
Rest 3 minutes
Post loads and reps to beyond the whiteboard.