
Monday, June 8 2009

 TJ’s B-DAY WOD6 rounds for time:6 college boy rolls6 135# snatches27 Double UndersCongratulations Billy! On Winning the Fit Challenge Las Vegas.

 img_10711In a sport that’s built on transparency, comradery and the common goal of achieving overall health and fitness. It’s unfortunate that yesterday’s event was a disgrace to everyone who competed and represents the sport of CrossFit. For all those who competed great job! It’s unfortunate the hosts of the event, don’t hold up the same integrity that there affiliate should represent. When the smoke clears from the “Turkish Get Up” haha (inside joke) and the jazzercise music stops from the KickFit Class, all you have left is your integrity. Above picture is Billy at the Crossfit Regionals, Flagstaff, AZ.  Billy didn’t win the event that day, but it doesn’t matter. He showed up, gave it his all and walked away proud. The best man won that day. -TJ


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