
WOD – August 4, 2016


Today’s hero workout is in honor of SAR Officer David VanBuskirk, who was a SCCFS member that past away 3 years ago.  Check out the video below to learn more about David and what a true hero and great guy he was.

This week we are honoring police officers that were part of the CrossFit community and died in the line of duty.  We want to show our appreciation and support for all law enforcement officers in our own community that put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve.  Any LEOs are free to drop in all week, even if they have never tried CrossFit!

This Saturday is the annual 31 Heroes workout!

Work Out of the Day


“David V”

As many rounds as possible in 22 minutes of:

100m run with kb, 53/35lbs

150m run

1 rope climb

7 burpees

13 kb swings, 53/35lbs

1 rope climb

Post rounds completed to beyond the whiteboard.

Officer David VanBuskirk joined LVMPD October 6, 1999, and served in both Patrol and Narcotics until February 24, 2007 when he was assigned to Metro’s Search and Rescue section. A Southern Nevada native, David was both a loyal and caring friend and an eager mentor to all he knew. As a Search and Rescue Officer he was recognized as a true hero, saving numerous lives during the hundreds of rescues he performed. On July 22, 2013 while conducting a helicopter rescue of a stranded hiker on Mount Charleston Officer VanBuskirk fell to his death. His last action was to secure the hiker to the helicopter’s hoist cable, saving the man’s life. Officer VanBuskirk was 36 years old, and is survived by his wife, his mother and and his sister Tana.


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