
WOD – December 23, 2016


Work Out of the Day

“12 Days of Christmas in SinCity”

In teams of 2, For time: (like the song)1 medball clean, 150/90lb2 Muscle ups or burpee pullups3 Power Cleans, 135/85lbs4 Handstand pushups or 1 wallclimb5 Front Squats, 135/85lbs6 Knees 2 Elbows or knee raises7 Kettlebell Swings, 70/53lbs8 Burpees9 Push Jerks, 135/85lbs10 Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups or jumping pullups11 Thrusters, 135/85lbs12 Rope Climbs, 15′ or 24 ring rowsPost time to beyond the whiteboard.  One athlete works while the other rests.  Order is 1, 2 1, 3 2 1…


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