
WOD – December 7, 2015

We had a great turnout for the Powerlifting clinic on Saturday!  Thanks to Martin Drake for putting on a great seminar!

We had a great time competing at the Axle Showdown on Saturday!  Congratulations to Sarah V for taking first place again!  She took first place in 5 out of 7 events and had amazing performances in every workout!  Jarett did great as well just missing the podium by a few points!  He took 4th in a very competitive Mens Rx division.  Terra also did great coming in 9th place after having a baby just a couple months ago! Billy and Thomas also competed and had a great time, even though things didn’t go their way.  Thanks to Axle for hosting once again.  Click Here to check out the full leaderboard

Work Out of the Day

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

jumping squats, 45/35lbs


Post loads and time to beyond the whiteboard.


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