Congratulations to Noe who placed 2nd at the Garage Games at CrossFit Arms! She PRd her clean at 165lbs and of course won the muscle ups wod! Great job Noe!
We also want to give a big shout out to Koa and Kobi! They both competed in the Teen Gauntlet this weekend and did great! It was Koa’s first competition and he finished 2nd place! This was Kobi’s 2nd competition and moved up from novice to JV division. It was close until the very end and Kobi finished 4th place just 1 point behind 3rd. Watch out for these guys in the 2020 CrossFit Games!
And finally we would like to thank everyone that came out for the Baby Diaper WOD and donated diapers. We are so proud of these fit and healthy moms. Their little woddlers will be the newest members of the SCCF family!
Work Out of the Day
Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
080702 Mainsite WOD
5 rounds for time of:
15 deadlifts, 135/95lbs
12 hang power cleans, 135/95lbs
9 front squats, 135/95lbs
6 push jerk, 135/95lbs
Post loads and time to beyond the whiteboard.
4 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute knees to elbows
1 minute down ups
1 minute ball slams
1 minute jumping lunges
1 minute rest
Post reps per round and total reps to beyond the whiteboard.