
WOD – March 14, 2016

Congrats to all of our athletes that got thier first bar muscle up this week!  There was such an amazing atmosphere Friday night!  Our winners for the top scaled scores were Mike L from South with a score of 139, and Kelli with a score of 130.  Our Rx winners were Sarah and Kyle with scores of 113 and 101!  They will all receive a box of Resqwater and 3 Ice Age Meals!  See everyone this Friday for 16.4 at SinCity CrossFit South!

Work Out of the Day

Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


3 rounds for time of:

400m run

21 box jumps, 24/20″

12 shoulder to overhead, 135/95lb

Post loads and time to beyond the whiteboard.


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