Way to finish out the open last night with 15.5!
We have open gym today from 9am to noon for anyone that needs to make it up!
Our SCCF sports series returns today with CrossFit Dodgeball! Everyone from SCCF or South is welcome to come and throwdown. We will pick teams and have a tournament. The team that wins the tournament will take back the golden kettle bell to their box!
Work Out of the Day
Make up a workout you missed this week
“CrossFit Dodgeball!”
The Court:
- 60′ x 30′. Each have is 30′ x 30′.
- Neutral Zone in the middle is 4′ x 30′
- Attack Lines are 10′ from center line
- 6 regulation dodgeballs
- Teams consist of 6 players
- 1 substitute is aloud
- At least 2 men and 2 women must be on the court
- No substitutions may be made during game
Game Type:
- 6 minute timed games.
- 3 minute halfs
- 1 minute halftime break
- 2 minute overtime if tied at the end of regulation
- Play begins with all players behind their team endline
- Rush occurs at the beginning of each half or rest. At least one player from each team must rush.
- Players may grab as many balls as they want
- Players may not grab other players or slide into them
- Crossing over the neutral zone will result in an out
- Players must bring or pass the ball back behind their own attack line before that ball is “in play”
- A player is “out” when a ball hits any part of their body
- A player is “out” if they are hit by a ball rebounding off another player
- A player is “out” if a defending player catches the ball they have thrown
- Players may block balls using their own ball and if it pops up in the air it is considered a live ball
- If stalling occurs then the game will be stopped and the opposing team will start with all the balls
- If both teams are stalling a reset will occur
- If a player steps out of bounds or over the neutral zone line they will be “out”
- If momentum carries you out of bounds while completing a catch, you are still in if you catch it.
- When a player is out they will be able to come back in when their teammate catches a ball, or when they complete their choice of:
- 15 wallballs, 20/14lbs
- 5 burpee box jumps, 24/20″
- 10 thrusters, 75/55lbs
- 100m run
- 10 ground to overhead, 75/55lbs
- 10 toes to bar
- 15 kb swings, 53/35lbs
- 3 rope climbs
- 15 sumo deadlift high pull, 75/55lbs
- 15 pullups
- 10 squat cleans, 75/55lbs
- 3 muscle ups
- Once that movement is complete, the same team may not repeat it in that game
- All the equipment for the movements will be on the court
- If all of the players on a team are out, the other team wins
- The team with the most players at the end of regulation wins
- We will play a double elimination tournament to see which box gets the golden kb
Dodgeball Court Layout – Click Here