
WOD – March 7, 2016

***Submit your scores for 16.2 today before 5pm***

We had another great turnout for our Friday Night Throwdown!  Congrats to our winners for the Rxd division, Sarah had an amazing 344 reps and Jarett did great as well with 341 reps!  The top scaled guy was Dean who actually completed the whole workout in 19:57!  And our top scaled lady was Jessica F completing 339 reps!  They all win a case of Resqwater and 3 Ice Age Meals from Paleo Nick!

Work Out of the Day

Thruster 5-5-5-5-5


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

15 box jumps, 24/20″

10 thrusters, 115/75lbs

5 handstand pushups

Post loads and rounds completed to beyond the whiteboard.


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