
WOD – September 18, 2017

Tony came in first on event 4 at the Camp Rhino CrossFit Championship.  Sarah was first overall in the women’s elite division and Billy vame im 2nd overall in the men’s elite division.  Sarah also took gold in the AAU Worlds at the Rio on Friday!  

Work Out of the Day

Thruster 2-2-2


Front Squat 4-4-4


For time:

200m run

27 thrusters, 95/65lb

200m run

21 thrusters, 95/65lb

200m run

15 thrusters, 95/65lb

200m run

9 thrusters, 95/65lb

*if the thruster set is broken the athlete must immediately run 100m

Post loads and time to beyond the whiteboard.



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