
WOD – May 18, 2012

This Saturday is the Fitness for FEAT Fundraiser!  Click here to register!  This is a kids event so bring your kids, even if you aren’t working out!  All the money goes directly to Families for Effective Autism Treatment.  There will be Chipotle, a raffle, a blow up house, and a WOD with an obstacle course!

This week is your last chance to vote for some new workout times!  Only vote if you actually plan on working out at those times!  Vote here!

Work Out of the Day2012 CrossFit Games Regional: Individual Event 4

For time:
50 back squats, 135/95lbs
40 pullups
30 shoulder-to-overhead, 135/95lbs
50 front squats, 85/65lbs
40 pullups
30 shoulder-to-overhead, 85/65lbs
50 overhead squats, 65/45lbs
40 pullups
30 shoulder-to-overhead, 65/45lbs
Post time to beyond the whiteboard.
In teams of 2 for time:
50 back squats, 135/95lbs
40 pullups
30 shoulder-to-overhead, 135/95lbs
50 front squats, 85/65lbs
40 pullups
30 shoulder-to-overhead, 85/65lbs
50 overhead squats, 65/45lbs
40 pullups
30 shoulder-to-overhead, 65/45lbs
Teammates alternate work and rest accumulating their reps together as a team.

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